- ”Methodological Positivism in Legal Philosophy and Its Critics.” Centre for Legal Theory, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore.
- ”Free Speech on the Internet: The Crisis of Epistemic Authority.” Inaugural Chan Kek Keong Professorial Lecture in Public Law, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore.
- ”On the Relevance of Etiology to Justification.” Department of Philosophy, National University of Singapore.
- ”Free Speech on the Internet: The Crisis of Epistemic Authority.” School of Law, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan.
- Commentator on Joshua Fischmann, “A Statistical Approach to Law School Citation Rankings.” Conference on Empirical Legal, Law School, University of Chicago, Illinois.
- Commentator on Scott Soames, “Linguistic Presuppositions of Originalism.” Federalist Society, Law School, University of Chicago, Illinois.
- ”The Metaphysical Turn in Recent American Jurisprudence.” Law & Philosophy Workshop, Law School, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
- [TBA]. Law & Philosophy Society, Law School, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
- Respondent to commentators (Allen Buchanan, David Leopold, Jake McNulty, Paul Raekstad, Allen Wood) at a workshop on the manuscript of Jaime Edwards & Brian Leiter, Marx (Routledge, forthcoming). Center for Law, Philosophy & Human Values, University of Chicago, Illinois.
- Organizer and participant, 7th annual meeting of the International Society for Nietzsche Studies, University of Porto, Portugal.
- [TBA]. Workshop on a book manuscript on Spinoza and Nietzsche by Jason Yanover, Department of Philosophy, Princeton University, New Jersey.
- “Some Realism about Legal and Political Philosophy.” Opening Plenary Address, 30th World Congress of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR), Christian Dimitrie Cantemir University, Bucharest, Romania.
- “Three Kinds of Necessary Connections Between Law and Morality: Conceptual, Nomological, Metaphysical.” Special Workshop on the Separation Thesis, 30th World Congress of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR), Christian Dimitrie Cantemir University, Bucharest, Romania.
- ”Marx’s Economics and the Transition from Capitalism to Communism” and “Human Nature and the Good Life: The Public/Private Distinction and Alienation in Marx’s Early Writings.” Colloquium in Legal, Political and Social Philosophy, School of Law, New York University, NY.
- “Nietzsche Against Marx on the Causes of Suffering.” Annual Philosophy Lecture, Department of Philosophy, University of Lincoln, UK.
- ”Alf Ross’s Critique of American Legal Realism—and a Naturalistic Critique of Ross.” Conference on Alf Ross, Scandinavian Realism, and Contemporary Jurisprudence. Faculty of Law, University of York, UK.
- ”Nietzsche’s Naturalism: Neither Liberal Nor Illiberal.” Department of Philosophy, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy.
- ”Why Academic Freedom?” Faculty of Law, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy.
- ”Nietzsche Against Marx on the Causes of Suffering.” Department of Philosophy, University of Rome-Sapienza, Italy.
- Workshop on “Methodological Positivism.” Faculty of Law, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy.
- ”How are Ideologies False?” Social Philosophy & Policy conference on “Ideology,” University of Arizona, Tucson.
- ”Nietzsche Against Marx on the Causes of Suffering.” Bernd Magnus Lecture, Department of Philosophy, University of California, Riverside.
- ”How are Ideologies False?” Department of Philosophy, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California.
- Invited discussant. Workshop on legal reasoning and adjudication. Law School, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
- Organizer and participant, 6th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Nietzsche Studies, Department of Philosophy, Georgia State University, Atlanta.
- “The Epistemology of the Internet and the Regulation of Speech in America.” Symposium on the Ethics of Free Speech, Institute for the Study of Markets and Ethics, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
- “Academic Freedom: What is it and what is it good for?” Classical Liberalism Seminar, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University (via Zoom).
- "Nietzsche’s Naturalism: Neither Liberal Nor Illiberal.” Conference on “The Challenges of Naturalism.” Iranian Institute of Philosophy, Tehran (via Zoom).
- ”Critical Remarks on Shapiro’s Legality and the ‘Grounding’ Turn in Recent General Jurisprudence.” Cambridge Forum on Political & Legal Philosophy, Cambridge University, UK (via Zoom).
- Organizer and participant, 5th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Nietzsche Studies, St. Peter’s College, Oxford
- ”Nietzsche Against Marx on the Causes of Suffering.” Department of Philosophy, University College Dublin, Ireland.
- Workshop on three chapters of Marx (on historical materialism, economics, and the early Marx). Department of Philosophy, University College Dublin, Ireland.
- “Why should capitalism self-destruct? Marx’s account reconsidered.” Conference on “Global Capital, the Leviathan of the 21st Century?” Department of Political Science, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- “The Roles of Judges in Democracies: A Realistic View.” Cardozo Law School, Yeshiva University, New York, NY (via Zoom).
- “Nietzsche against Marx on the Causes of Suffering.” Department of Philosophy, American University of Cairo, Egypt (via Zoom).
- A discussion of Moral Psychology with Nietzsche (with Donna Lyons, Brian O’Connor, and Alexander Prescott-Couch), Trinity College Dublin (via Zoom).
- A discussion of Marx (with Donna Lyons and Brian O’Connor). Trinity College Dublin (via Zoom).
- “What is a Realist Theory of Law?” International Seminar on Political and Legal Philosophy, Department of Law, University of Guanjuato, Mexico (via Zoom).
- “Academic Freedom in the Classroom.” Panel discussion, John Marshall Law School, University of Illinois, Chicago (via Zoom).
- Invited participant and discussant at the 2-day colloquium “Religious Liberty at the Crossroads,” Institute for Humane Studies (via Zoom).
- Comment on Edward Remus, “Civil Liberty as a ‘Test of Politics’: James P. Cannon, James Burnham, and Hal Draper on Liberal Socialism vs. Progressive Statism.” Conference on “What is Left? Class Analysis and the Present Crisis,” Departments of English and Sociology, University of Chicago (via Zoom).
- “Back to Hart.” Conference on “The Most Important Problem of Contemporary Legal Philosophy,” Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade, Serbia (via Zoom).
- Panelist, webinar on new U.S. News rankings of law libraries. Academic Law Libraries Special Interest Section, Association of American Law Libraries (via Zoom).
- “Legal Positivism as a Realist Theory of Law.” Keynote at the Workshop on “Legal Realism and Legal Positivism” as part of the 29th World Congress of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR), University of Lucerne, Switzerland.
- “Nietzsche on Guilt and Revenge.” Keynote address, III International Colloqium: Nietzsche in the Savannas, Federal University of Goiás, Goiânia, Brazil.
- “Foucault’s Genealogical Critique of the Human Sciences: Some Doubts.” II Congress on Genealogy and Critique, Department of Philosophy, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- ”Folk Conceptions of Well-Being” (with Bronsteen & Masur). Conference on “New Directions in Experimental Jurisprudence,” Law School, University of Chicago.
- “Disagreement, Anti-Realism about Reasons, and Inference to the Best Explanation.” Ethics Group, Department of Philosophy, University of Vermont, Burlington.
- “Socialism, Social Democracy, and Market Capitalism: Which is Right for America?” A debate with Bryan Caplan (George Mason University), Center for Research on the Wisconsin Economy, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
- Workshop on “Why Marxism Still Does Not Need Normative Theory,” Department of Philosophy, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (via Zoom).
- “Nietzsche’s Naturalism.” Keynote address at the 8th Annual Summer School on Classical German Philosophy (“The Issue of Naturalism”), University of Bonn, Germany.
- “Disagreement, Anti-Realism about Reasons, and Inference to the Best Explanation.” Conference on “Moral Disagreements: Philosophical and Practical Implications,” Australian Catholic University Melbourne-Rome Campus, Rome, Italy.
- “Justifying Academic Freedom: Mill and Marcuse Revisited,” Law School, University of California, Los Angeles.
- “Academic Freedom: What is it and what is it good for?” Harper Lecture, University of Chicago Alumni Association, Boston, MA.
- “Legal Positivism as a Realist Theory of Law.” Conference on “Fundamentals of Legal Positivism: Main Tenets, Normativity, and Values,” Department of Law, University of Stockholm, Sweden.
- “The Death of God and the Death of Morality.” Birkbeck Nietzsche Workshop, University of London, UK.
- “Legal Positivism as a Realist Theory of Law.” Legal Philosophy Forum, Faculty of Laws, University College London, UK.
- “Legal Positivism as a Realist Theory of Law.” Keynote (“Headliner”) Address, Annual Legal Theory Symposium, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore.
- “The Roles of Judges in Democracies: A Realist View,” Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore.
- “Nietzsche, Spinoza, Freedom.” Workshop on “Modern Naturalisms: Spinoza, Hume, Nietzsche,” Department of Philosophy,
Boston University.
- Participant and organizer, 4th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Nietzsche Studies, Department of Philosophy, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island.
- Four seminars over three weeks on my realist jurisprudence as a Visiting Professor at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, France.
- “Bernard Williams’s Debt to Nietzsche: Real or Illusory?” Keynote at the conference on “Agency, Fate, and Luck: Why
Williams Matters,” Department of Philosophy, University of Lund, Sweden.
- “Nietzsche on Freedom and Free Will.” Keynote address at the 7th Annual Summer School on German Philosophy, University of Bonn, Germany.
- “Prospects and Problems for the Social Epistemology of Evidence Law Revisited.” Workshop on “Evidence, Disagreement, and Rights,” Department of Philosophy, Uppsala University, Sweden.
- “Justifying Academic Freedom: Mill and Marcuse Revisited.” Keynote address to the Philosophy of Law Section, Swedish Congress of Philosophy, Uppsala University, Sweden.
- “Justifying Academic Freedom: Mill and Marcuse Revisited.” Brooklyn Law School, New York.
- “The Death of God and the Death of Morality.” Department of Philosophy, St. Norbert College, De Pere, Wisconsin.
- “Faculty Speech and the Obligations of Administrators.” Panel discussion on academic freedom, School of Law, Northwestern University, Chicago.
- “Realism and Moralism in Political Thought.” Paolo Bozzi Prize Address for the conference on “Post-Truth, New Realism, Democracy,” University of Turin, Italy.
- “Langdell, Wissenschaft, Realism.” Law School, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (as part of the HLS Bicentennial celebration).
- Panelist, “What is academic freedom?” University of Colorado, Boulder.
- “On the Relevance of Etiology to Justification.” Department of Philosophy, University of Colorado, Boulder.
- “Academic Freedom and the Obligations of Administrators.” Center for Law & Liberty, Law School, Columbia University, New York.
- “Justifying Academic Freedom: Mill and Marcuse Revisited.” College of Law, University of Utah, Salt Lake City.
- Workshop on several chapters of Moral Psychology with Nietzsche, Department of Philosophy, University of California, San Diego.
- Organizer and participant, conference on “New Directions in Marxist Philosophy,” Center for Law, Philosophy & Human Values, University of Chicago, Illinois.
- “The Innocence of Becoming: Nietzsche Against Guilt.” 3rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Nietzsche Studies, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK.
- “The Roles of Judges in Democracies: A Realistic View.” Centre for Law & Philosophy, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK.
- A workshop on Nietzsche, morality, and theism sponsored by the Department of Philosophy, Colgate University, Hamilton, NY.
- “Knowledge and Affect: Perspectivism Revisited.” Conference on the History of Relativism, Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria.
- “The Roles of Judges in Democracies: A Realistic View.” Keynote address at the conference on “The Role of Judges in a Democracy,” University of Belgrade, Serbia.
- “Why Tolerate Religion?” Center for Constitutionalism, Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
- “Law and Morality: the Differences.” Seminar Group in Jurisprudence, Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
- Invited discussant, conference on “A Naturalistic Jurisprudence: the Next Step?” Osgoode Hall School of Law, York University, Toronto, Canada.
- “The Roles of Judges in Democracies: A Realistic View.” College of Law, Syracuse University, New York.
- Organizer & participant, nd annual meeting of the International Society for Nietzsche Studies, University of Chicago, Illinois.
- “Justifying Academic Freedom: Mill and Marcuse Revisited.” Faculty of Law, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
- “Justifying Academic Freedom: Mill and Marcuse Revisited.” Faculty of Law, Haifa University, Israel.
- “The Innocence of Becoming: Nietzsche Against Guilt.” Department of Philosophy, Haifa University, Israel.
- “The Death of God and the Death of Morality.” Department of Philosophy, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.
- “Theoretical Disagreements in Law: Another Look.” Law & Philosophy Colloqium, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.
- “Theoretical Disgreements in Law: Another Look.” Roundtable on “Theoretical Disagreements,” Law School, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina.
- “The Roles of Judges in Democracies: A Realistic View.” College of Law, University of Iowa, Iowa City.
- “The Case Against Free Speech.” Seminar with the Department of Philosophy, University of Iowa, Iowa City.
- “Justifying Academic Freedom: Mill and Marcuse Revisited.” Inaugural Schaffer Lecture, Department of Philosophy, University of Iowa, Iowa City.
- Organizer and participant, Workshop on “Strangers to Ourselves: German Philosophy and Cognitive Science,” Center for Law, Philosophy & Human Values, University of Chicago, Illinois.
- “The Death of God and the Death of Morality.” Conference in honor of Maudemarie Clark, Department of Philosophy, Colgate University, Hamilton, N.Y.
- “Nietzsche: Naturalism, Perspectivism, Asceticism.” Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria.
- “Marx: Ideology, Morality, Science.” Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria.
- “Why Legal Positivism?” Department of Legal Theory, Jagellonian University, Krakow, Poland.
- “The Innocence of Becoming.” Nietzsche Workshp, Department of Philosophy, Birkbeck College, University of London, U.K.
- “The Death of God and the Death of Morality.” Post-Kantian Seminar, Faculty of Philosophy, Oxford University, UK.
- "The Innocence of Becoming." Department of Philosophy, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
- "Why Tolerate Religion?" Center for the Study of Law and Religion, Emory University & College of Law, Georgia State University, Atlanta.
- “The Death of God and the Death of Morality.” Department of Philosophy, Georgia State University, Atlanta.
- "Why Tolerate Religion?” Secular Student Alliance, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb.
- "The Death of God and the Death of Morality.” Department of Philosophy, Northern Illiinois University, DeKalb.
- Comments on Emden’s Nietzsche’s Naturalism. North American Nietzsche Society, Annual Meeting of the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association, Washington, DC, January 2016.
- “The Death of God and the Death of Morality.” Workshop on Law, Philosophy & Political Theory, Law School, Department of Philosophy & Department of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley.
- “The Methodology of Legal Philosophy.” Faculty of Law, University of Catanzaro, Italy.
- “Religious Liberty and Religious Toleration.” Faculty of Law, University of Catanzaro, Italy.
- “The Case Against Free Speech.” School of Law, Willamette University, Salem, Oregon.
- “Why Tolerate Religion?” Public Lecture, Drury University, Springfield, MO (also sponsored by the Departments of Philosophy at Evangel and Missouri State Universities).
- “Theoretical Disagreement in Law: Another Look.” KCL/NUS/Chicago Conference on Moral, Political & Legal Philosophy, Law School, University of Chicago, Illinois.
- Organizer and participant, 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Nietzsche Studies, University of Bonn, Germany.
- “The Epistemology of the Hermeneutics of Suspicion.” Keynote Address for the Summer School on the Hermeneutics of Suspicion, University of Bonn, Germany.
- “Resolved: The Religious Freedom Restoration Act Should Be Repealed.” Yale Political Union, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut.
- “Why Tolerate Religion?” A discussion with Prof. David Skeel (Penn). Veritas Forum, School of Law, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois.
- “Marx, Law, Ideology, Legal Positivism.” Conference on “Jurisprudence and History.” School of Law, University of Virginia, Charlottesville.
- “Why Legal Positivism?” and “The Methodology of Legal Philosophy.” Fresco Lectures, Faculty of Law, University of Genoa, Italy.
- “Why Legal Positivism?” and discussion of Why Tolerate Religion? European University Institute, Florence, Italy.
- “The Case Against Free Speech.” Human Rights Program, University of Palermo, Italy.
- “The Paradoxes of Public Philosophy.” Keynote address at conference on “Philosophy in the Public Sphere,” O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana (NCR of Dehli), India.
- “Constitutional Law, Moral Judgment, and the Supreme Court as Super-Legislature.” Mathew O. Trobiner Memorial Lecture on Constitutional Law, Hastings College of Law, University of California, San Francisco.
- “The Case Against Free Speech.” School of Law, University of Miami, Florida.
- “Normativity for Naturalists.” Department of Philosophy, University of Miami, Florida.
- “Normativity for Naturalists.” Department of Philosophy, University of California, Riverside.
- “The Truth is Terrible.” Department of Philosophy, Pomona College, Claremont, CA.
- “Theoretical Disagreements in Law: Another Look.” Keynote Address, conference on “Deep Disagreements: Legal and Philosophical Perspectives.” Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.
- “The Case Against Free Speech.” Julius Stone Address in Jurisprudence, Law School, University of Sydney, Australia.
- “Why Legal Positivism (Again)?” Keynote Address, Annual Meeting of the Australian Society of Legal Philosophy, Sydney, Australia.
- “The Innocence of Becoming.” Department of Philosophy, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand.
- “Is Religion Special? Toleration, Conscience and Exemptions from the Law.” Taylor Lecture, Department of Philosophy, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.
- “The Truth is Terrible.” Department of Philosophy, Washington University, St. Louis, MO.
- “Nietzsche Against the Philosophical Canon.” Department of Philosophy, University of Missouri, St. Louis.
- Comments on Larry Sager. Conference on the Role of Religious Institutions in a Democracy, Center for Church-State Studies, College of Law, DePaul University, Chicago, IL, September 2013.
- "Is Religion Special? Toleration, Conscience and Exemptions from the Law." School of Law, Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA.
- “Why Tolerate Religion?” Center for Inquiry, Los Angeles, CA.
- “The Truth is Terrible.” Hansford M. Epes Distinguished Lecture in the Humanities, Davidson College, North Carolina.
- “Is Religion Special? Toleration, Conscience and Exemptions from the Law.” College of Medicine, University of Illinois, Chicago.
- “Is Religion Special? Toleration, Conscience and Exemptions from the Law.” Isaac Backus Lecture on American Freedoms, La Sierra University, Riverside, CA.
- “Nietzsche Against the Philosophical Canon.” Department of Philosophy, University of California, Riverside.
- “Marx, Law, Ideology, Legal Positivism.” Section on Law & Philosophy, Annual Meeting, Central Division of the American Philosophical Association, Chicago, IL.
- “The Truth is Terrible.” Department of Philosophy, University of Toronto, Canada.
- Reply to Corey Brettschneider and Frederick Schauer. “Author Meets Critics on Why Tolerate Religion?” Annual Meeting, Pacific Division of the American Philosophical Association, San Diego, CA.
- “On the Esoteric Reading of Nietzsche.” Conference on “Nietzsche, Value and Self-Constitution,” Oxford University, UK.
- “Moral Skepticism and Moral Disagreement in Nietzsche,” 9th Annual Metaethics Workshop, Department of Philosophy, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
- “Moralities are a Sign-Language of the Affects.” BU Workshop on Late Modern Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Boston University, MA.
- “Moral Skepticism and Moral Disagreement in Nietzsche.” Practical Philosophy Workshop, Department of Philosophy, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
- “The Truth is Terrible.” Conference on “Nietzsche on Morality and the Affirmation of Life.” St. Peter’s College, Oxford University, UK.
- “The Truth is Terrible.” Department of Philosophy, University College Dublin, Ireland.
- Workshop on "Why Tolerate Religion?" Department of Philosophy, University College Dublin, Ireland.
- “Legal Realisms, Old and New.” Seegers Lecture in Jurisprudence, Law School, Valparaiso University, IN.
- “The Methodology of Legal Philosophy.” Law & Philosophy Workshop, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
- “Why Tolerate Religion?” Department of Philosophy, Nassau Community College, Garden City, N.Y..
- “Why Tolerate Religion?” Carnegie Council, New York, N.Y..
- “Moralities are a Sign-Language of the Affects.” Conference on “New Essays in Moral Philosophy.” Social Philosophy & Policy Center and Arizona Freedom Center, Tucson, AZ.
- “Moralities are a Sign-Language of the Affects.” Invited session on Nietzsche, Annual Meeting of the Central Division of the American Philosophical Association, New Orleans, LA.
- “Nietzsche against the Philosophical Canon.” Keynote Address, Annual Meeting of the Danish Philosophical Association, University of Southern Denmark, Odense.
- "In Praise of Realism.” Faculty of Law, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- “The Methodology of Legal Philosophy.” Faculty of Law, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- “Legal Realisms, Old and New,” Faculty of Law, Pontifical Catholilc University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- “The Methodology of Legal Philosophy." College of Law, Florida State University, Talahassee.
- Seminar on "Why Tolerate Religion?" Department of Philosophy, Florida State University, Talahassee.
- “Nietzsche’s Naturalism Reconsidered.” Conference on “Nietzsche’s Naturalism Reconsidered,” Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, N.J. (organized by Helmut Heit).
- Conference on "Why Tolerate Religion?" Center for Inquiry, Washington, D.C.
- “The Innocence of Becoming.” Conference on “Mind, Agency and Responsibility: Empirical and Non-Empirical Perspectives.” Centre for Law and Cosmopolitan Values and Center for Philosophical Psychology, University of Antwerp, Belgium.
- Keynote Address, “Why Tolerate Religion?” Summer Workshop on Law, Religion & Culture, University of Colorado, Boulder.
- [topic TBA]. Dickinson School of Law, Pennsylvania State University, State College.
- Discussant at a conference on The Ofensive Internet, Center for Ethics and Technology, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
- “The Boundaries of the Moral (and Legal) Community.” Meador Lecture, School of Law, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa.
- "Moral Skepticism and Moral Disagreement in Nietzsche." Department of Philosophy, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
- "Why Tolerate Religion?" School of Law, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
- Conference on Leiter’s book manuscript Why Tolerate Religion? Faculty of Law, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy.
- "Moral Skepticism and Moral Disagreement in Nietzsche." Moral Sciences Club, Cambridge University, U.K.
- Discussant, special session on academic rankings, Annual Meeting, Central Division of the American Philosophical Association, Chicago, IL.
- “Moralities are a sign-language of the affects’”. Bernd Magnus Lecture, Department of Philosophy, University of California, Riverside.
- “Why Tolerate Religion?” Faculty of Law, King Juan Carlos III University, Madrid.
- "Moralities are a Sign-Language of the Affects." Project on Nietzsche and the Self, Department of Philosophy, New University of Lisbon, Portugal.
- “The Demarcation Problem in Jurisprudence: A New Case for Skepticism.” Law & Philosophy Workshop, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
- “Moral Skepticism and Moral Disagreement in Niezsche,” Department of Philosophy, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
- "The Truth is Terrible." Conference on “Nietzsche and Community,” Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
- Commentator and discussant on Stefan Sciaraffa’s book manscuript on legal philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Arizona, Tucson.
- “Legal Realisms, Old and New.” Conference on "New Frontiers of Legal Realism." Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
- “Legal Formalism and Legal Realism: What is the Issue?” School of Law, University of California, Irvine.
- "The Radicalism of Legal Positivism.” Mary Oliver Woods Lecture, Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies, Western Illinois University, Macomb.
- Chapters 1-3 of "Why Tolerate Religion?" Legal Theory Workshop, Columbia University, New York.
- Chapters 1-3 of "Why Tolerate Religion?" Law School, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.
- "Moral Skepticism and Moral Disagreement in Nietzsche.” Department of Philosophy, Graduate Center, City University of New York.
- “The Law of Religious Liberty in a Tolerant Society.” School of Law, Fordham University, New York.
- “The Circumstances of Civility.” NEH conference on “Civility and American Demoracy,” Washington State University, Spokane.
- Workshop on “Metaethics and Legal Judgment.” Institute for Law and Philosophy, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
- “The Law of Religious Liberty in a Tolerant Society.” Leon Green ’15 Lecture in Jurisprudence, School of Law, University of Texas at Austin.
- Keynote Address: “The Demarcation Problem in Jurisprudence,” Conference on the Nature of Law, Department of Philosophy, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
- “The Law of Religious Liberty in a Tolerant Society.” Law and Religion Roundtable, School of Law, Northwestern University, Chicago.